WASH Project – Phase 1

As part of its Program of Cooperation with Chad and in response to the problems of access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, UNICEF has concluded a partnership agreement with ADRA Chad ( PCA 2014/06 / CHD / WASH / ADRA) to finance the cost of the Project on “Supply of Drinking Water and Sanitation to the Sanitary District of Yao in the Batha Region of Chad”.
This Partnership Agreement has a total amount of 936,903,558 FCFA (1,873,807 USD).
The overall objective of this project is to significantly reduce the prevalence of diarrheal and water-borne diseases in the Yao Sanitary District through:

  • Completion of 70 boreholes equipped with human power pump (PMH);
  • Rehabilitation of 21 boreholes;
  • The construction / rehabilitation of 5 mini-water supply systems;
  • Construction of 20 institutional latrines in schools and health centers;
  • Establishment and training of 70 Water Management Committees (PMCs);
  • Training of 20 repair craftsmen to maintain the pumps;
  • Promotion of the TCPP Approach (Total Community Pilot Project) in 100 villages;
  • Promotion of slabs for social marketing (TCPP);
  • The establishment and training of 30 hygiene clubs in schools;
  • 300 sensitization sessions in beneficiary villages on hand washing with soap;
  • Training of 200 community relays on home water treatment using PUR SACHET.

The duration of the project was 18 months. The success of the first phase has allowed to sign another PCA for the second phase which must finish by April 2017.

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Rapport Narratif Final Projet WASH ADRA Phase1_30.01.2016_VF(2.72 MB)