Author: superadmin

  • Projet WASH – Phase 2

    Projet WASH – Phase 2

    La réussite de la première phase du projet WASH a conduit à la signature d’une seconde phase. Les activités et résultats attendus sont identiques que ceux définis et attendus dans la première phase. Comme constat, il faut noter que malgré l’exécution de ces phases de projet, le problème en eau se pose toujours avec acuité…

  • Project WASH – Phase 2

    Project WASH – Phase 2

    The success of the first phase of the WASH project led to the signing of a second phase. The activities and expected results are identical to those defined and expected in the first phase. As a remark, it should be noted that despite the implementation of these project phases, the water problem is still very…

  • World Water Day – 2017 Edition

    World Water Day – 2017 Edition

    On March 22, 2017, the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Chad celebrated World Water Day in Mandalia. Located 50 km from the capital N’djamena in the Chari Baguirmi region. The theme of this year is: Why waste water. The Minister of Water and Sanitation made a trip surrounded by his partners, including ADRA for…