Principles and Values

ADRA Believes . . .

  1. That through humanitarian acts we make known the just, merciful and loving character of God.
  2. That to work with those in need is an expression of our love for God.
  3. That the compassionate ministry of Jesus is its own abundant motive and reward.
  4. That we are an agency of change and an instrument of grace and providence.
  5. In expressing concern, compassion and empathy through our work.
  6. That equitable partnership with those in need will result in sustainable change.
  7. That age, gender, race, culture, and families enrich the communities with whom we work, and are assets to be respected and affirmed.
  8. In non-discrimination and respect for differences, accepting people as equals regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, political, or religious affiliation.
  9. In participatory development which utilizes both men and women’s capabilities and provides equal opportunity to individuals of differing ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
  10. That all people have the fundamental right to care, basic goods and services.
  11. That all persons, especially children, have the right to a life of opportunity and the freedom to choose their own future.
  12. In enabling partners to create participatory and sustainable community structures for information sharing and civil engagement.
  13. That all resources, opportunities, and advantages are gifts, which must be managed responsibly.
  14. That all people, in particular women and children, have the right to protection and a life free from violence, sexual exploitation, and all other forms of abuse.
  15. In demonstrating integrity and transparency in our work at every level.